Basic Information

Detailed Information

Report Data

The Account Datatype

The following datatype will be JSONified and returned for methods which retrieve Account values.

Please note that no Creation or Update functions are available for Accounts at this time.

public class Account
publicUInt64AccountId; // This is the unique identifier for the Account. Use this when referencing the account for future Rest calls.
publicList<UInt64>ViewableAccountIds; // This is a list of child Accounts which are viewable by the Account. Most Rest calls can be run on behalf of child Accounts.
publicStringLogin; // This is the Login used to access the Account on the Webapp.
publicStringName; // This is the Name associated with the Account.
publicStringEmail; // This is the Email address associated with the Account.

The Account Methods

The following list provides a reference for all valid /Account HTTP requests.

  • GET v1/Account

    Summary: Return USFT's information about all Accounts viewable by your Account.

    Returns: A list of all Accounts viewable by your Account, including your Account.

  • GET v1/Account/{id}

    Summary: Return USFT's information about a single Account.

    Returns: The requested Account. If it is not viewable by your Account, this will result in a 404.


    • id: The Id of the Account to return. If id is set to 'this', the requesting Account will be returned. (FromUri)