Basic Information

Detailed Information

Report Data

The ZoneAlert Datatype

The following datatype will be JSONified and returned for methods which retrieve ZoneAlert values. Method requests which create new Alerts or update existing Alerts will be parsed for a JSON representation of this data structure.

public class ZoneAlert
publicUInt64AlertId; // A unique identifier for the Alert. Use this when making further API calls specific to this Alert. For ZoneAlerts, this is also known as ZoneID
publicStringAlertName; // The name of this Alert.
publicStringAlertTypeName; // The Type of this ZoneAlert. Radius or Geofence.
publicInt32[]VehicleId; // The vehicle(s) this Alert tracks.
publicDouble[][]Points; // (Geofence ZoneAlert only) This is a list of lat/long points that defines a polygonal geofence zone. Will be NULL for Radius Zones.
publicDouble?Radius; // (Radius ZoneAlert only) This is the distance from the center of a circular geofence or a route path which will trigger the alert. Will be NULL for Geofence Zones.
publicDouble?Latitude; // (Radius ZoneAlert only) The Latitude value of the center point. Will be NULL for Geofence Zones.
publicDouble?Longitude; // (Radius ZoneAlert only) The Longitude value of the center point. Will be NULL for Geofence Zones.
publicStringZoneColor; // The color value of the Zone (as shown in Web Application)

The ZoneAlert Methods

The following list provides a reference for all valid /ZoneAlert HTTP requests.

  • GET v1/ZoneAlert?account={account}

    Summary: Return USFT's information about all ZoneAlerts (Geofence/Radius alerts) viewable by your Account.

    Returns: A list of all ZoneAlerts viewable by your Account


    • account: (Optional) If this parameter is included, the method will be run on behalf of the specified child Account (if valid) (FromUri)