Basic Information

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The Address Datatype

The following datatype will be JSONified and returned for methods which retrieve Address values. Method requests which create new Addresses or update existing Addresses will be parsed for a JSON representation of this data structure.

When creating a new Address or modifying an existing Address, please set the AccountId to 0, or your AccountId as returned by the /Account method. Any other value will result in an Authentication error.

public class Address
publicUInt64AccountId; // The AccountId associated with this Address Fence.
publicUInt64AddressId; // A unique identifier for the Address. Use this when making further API calls specific to this Address.
publicStringName; // The name assigned to this address. It will be printed as a label on the Webapp when the Address is on screen.
publicStringAddressBlock; // The address itself, eg: "123 Example St., Oklahoma City, OK 73111"
publicDoubleLatitude; // The Latitude of the Address. If Latitude and Longitude are set to 0 for the creation of a new Address, they will be automatically generated from the AddressBlock.
publicDoubleLongitude; // The Latitude of the Address. If Latitude and Longitude are set to 0 for the creation of a new Address, they will be automatically generated from the AddressBlock.
publicStringImage; // The USFT Image to be used when displaying the address on screen.
publicList<UInt64>AddressGroupIds; // A list of AddressGroupIds referencing Address Groups to which this Address belongs. This Address can be added to an Address Group by adding the appropriate AddressGroupId to this List, then Updating the Address.

The Address Methods

The following list provides a reference for all valid /Address HTTP requests.

  • DELETE v1/Address/{id}?account={account}

    Summary: Deletes an existing address

    Returns: True if the deletion succeeds, false if it fails


    • id: The Id of the address to delete (FromUri)
    • account: (Optional) If this parameter is included, the method will be run on behalf of the specified child Account (if valid). (FromUri)
  • GET v1/Address/{id}?account={account}

    Summary: Returns a single address associated with the account

    Returns: The address requested


    • id: The ID of the address to return (FromUri)
    • account: (Optional) If this parameter is included, the method will be run on behalf of the specified child Account (if valid). (FromUri)
  • GET v1/Address?groupid={groupid}&account={account}

    Summary: Returns all addresses viewable by the account

    Returns: List of all addresses which match the account and group (if groupid is included)


    • groupid: (Optional) If groupid is included in the query string, results will be limited to the indicated address group (FromUri)
    • account: (Optional) If this parameter is included, the method will be run on behalf of the specified child Account (if valid). (FromUri)
  • POST v1/Address?account={account}

    Summary: Creates a new Address entry

    Returns: The new Address entry, as created by the database. It will include the item's new AddressId.


    • ToCreate: A new Address entry. The AccountId should be set to your AccountId, or 0, which will automatically populate. (FromBody)
    • account: (Optional) If this parameter is included, the method will be run on behalf of the specified child Account (if valid). (FromUri)
  • PUT v1/Address?account={account}

    Summary: Updates an existing address entry with new information. Please note, it will only update the AddressBlock, Name, Latitude, Longitude, and ImageId.

    Returns: Address object containing the most recent information for the updated ID


    • ToUpdate: Address object containing the ID to be updated and the updated information (FromBody)
    • account: (Optional) If this parameter is included, the method will be run on behalf of the specified child Account (if valid). (FromUri)